A baby is a miraculous gift , no matter how one receives it.
Some are given the ability bear them,
others the ability to rear them.

With this blog I intend to log a diary on raising Paheli, and our life with her. Can't say how regularly I will find the time to pen, but I will try my best, and hopefully Paheli will give me a chance to do it :)

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Life is short...pack it in.

Tuesday 4 November 2008

They say six months old really cant be crafty

When i managed to stuff my ears and feed her Cerelac ( which she hates but is the only food she CAN digest) ..she developed this new method..she just closes her eyes tight shut and goes to do what you can mommy dear..i am asleep!!!
and they say 6 month olds cant think. THEN she promptly wakes up when i wipe her face to put her to bed with a wide grin and all wakey wakey!
what have i gotten myself ito????

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